Recent Events

Previous Events Held:

Water Testing for owners of wells, cisterns & springs – June 18, 2012.

About 40 citizens came to the Virginia Cooperative Extension office on Monday, June 18, 2012 to attend a short course on testing their own drinking water and to pick up the test bottles.  Click here for the announcement.

National Drug Take Back Day – Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Page County Water Quality Advisory Committee has teamed up with the Page County Sheriff’s office to collect citizens’ unneeded prescription drugs.

Bring your drugs to CVS Pharmacy, in the Food Lion Shopping Center in Luray from 10am – 2 pm. (1404 US Hwy 211 W).

This is an excellent opportunity to anonymously, properly and easily dispose of expired or unused pharmaceuticals and keep them out of the hands of teens plus keep them out of our water supply.

Protect Your Drinking Water Workshop – Sunday, March 18, 2012 (1-3 pm)

(followed by an optional tour of Luray Caverns-free to Page County residents) -Luray Caverns Restaurant

• Wondering how to protect your well?

• Wonder what karst geology is?

• Have you wondered about the depth of wells in Page County and our water quality?

Then come to this free educational workshop where speakers will provide the answers to these and other questions. Sponsored by the Page County Water Quality Advisory Committee with support provided by The Agua Fund

Karst Education Day at Luray Caverns

On Sunday, March 22, 2009 we held our second adult karst education day with a great line-up of speakers from the Department of Conservation & Recreation, Department of Environmental Quality, Chesapeake Stormwater Network & the Cave Conservancy of the Virginias.

They presented information on what karst geology is, why it is sensitive and why it requires careful consideration in relation to land use issues. We also had a special geology tour of Luray Caverns.

This workshop was sponsored by the Cave Conservancy of the Virginias and the Page County Water Quality Advisory Committee.

Mill Creek Stream Corridor Assessment

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and to the landowners who granted us permission to be on their land for the Assessment.

Students from the geographical information system (GIS) classes at Page County High School and Luray High School joined volunteers from the Water Quality Advisory Committee, landowners and other local citizens to conduct a stream corridor assessment (SCA) of the Mill Creek Watershed on Friday, May 1, 2009.

A professional with the Izaak Walton League trained the volunteers on what to look for as they walked along Mill Creek including areas of erosion, pipe outfalls, condition of riparian buffers, in or near stream construction, channel alterations, stream crossings and other stream-related issues.

The stream assessment allowed volunteers to rapidly assess the general physical condition of a stream system. The students gathered GPS location coordinates to accurately map all of the sites inventoried. The maps and other information gathered during the survey will support the future preparation of a watershed management plan for Mill Creek and guide subsequent restoration activities.

Mill Creek is approximately eight miles long, from its headwaters in Stanley to its confluence with the South Fork of the Shenandoah River near Hamburg.

Contact the Water Quality Advisory Committee/Watershed Management Planning Team at 743-4808 or about the our next meeting date and location. Guests are always welcome.